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Weekly Reports 3 & 4

Week 3

This week we confirmed our client and discussed possible problems that needed to be addressed in the lab. After further communication and continued team deliberation, we have chosen a project, drafted a needs statement, and created a project scope. We have also been in communication with our client to determine design specifications.


Our next steps include further research on the population, environment, and market of the problem; research on existing solutions through internet, patent, and literature searches; and preliminary steps towards brainstorming solutions.

Week 4

We further clarified design specifications with our client and updated our project scope. We also updated our project scope to include an ‘outcome’ for our needs statement, included a delivery date for our final prototype, and provided ranges for accuracy when the metrics required it. We also started discussing our preliminary report and have scheduled a meeting for this Sunday to begin working on it. We have also chosen a format for our website and we will start adding our weekly reports during our meeting this Sunday. We haven’t encountered any problems or complications thus far. 

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